Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Foodie Friday: Hawaiian Chicken

This week I decided to combine crock pot chicken with stir fry veggies and noodles. It turned out really well and was fairly easy. I definitely used the lazy approach to veggies (frozen mix from Costco!) but the important thing is getting your veggies right?!

Hawaiian Chicken with Stir Fry Noodles:
2 large chicken breasts
2 packets Ohana pre-boiled stir fry noodles (Costco fridge section)
1/2 bottle Hawaiian Soy Vey Teryaki
2 cups stir fry veggies (fresh or frozen)
2 tspns olive oil

1. In a small crock pot, cook 2 chicken breasts for 4 hours on low in 1/2 bottle of Hawaiian Soy Vey Teryaki.
2. Once cooked, remove chicken and cut in slices. Pour Teryaki sauce from slow cooker into a skillet and add the 2 packets of pre-boiled stir fry noodles. Let sit, no heat.
3. Heat 2 tspns olive oil into a large skillet and add veggies. Cook to desired done-ness.
4. Turn heat on for the noodles pan for about 3-4 minutes and stir as needed to distribute heat. Add to veggies.
5. Stir in chicken slices along with the noodles to the veggies. Make sure everything is well coated. Serve!
Enjoy :)

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