Sunday, June 30, 2013

38 Weeks

Well we have officially made it through week 38 since tomorrow we are starting 39! I can't believe that it's almost over and we are going to meet this active little peanut that's been growing on the inside for the last 9 months. July 8th seemed like forever away this whole time and all of a sudden June is over?!
My belly is feeling much bigger day by day so obviously baby girl is putting on weight here at the end of the pregnancy. I am trying to mentally prepare for her arrival but it is so hard to imagine meeting her-- I felt the exact same way with Hadley since it's just so unreal until you actually see the person that you've been growing!
Hadley has been talking more and more each day and we are understanding a lot more of what she's talking about and telling us. I think that she is going to be really into helping with her baby sister since she's really into imitating everything we are doing these days.
Hopefully everyone is enjoying the beautiful summer weather and making plans to visit Minnesota soon since we aren't going to be traveling for a few months here. ;) We will be back with a week 39 update or a birth announcement so stay tuned!

Pics from this week:
Hadley having silly toddler lunch time at her GiGi and Papa's house.

Playing at the park.

My cute co-pilot.

Hanging out with her daddy.

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