Wednesday, May 2, 2012

MN Children's Museum Habitot

Yesterday, my sister Mackenzie and I took Hadley to the Children's Museum in St. Paul and it was so fun!! My sister-in-law Amanda and her family gifted Hadley with an annual family membership for her first birthday so it was admittedly a few weeks overdue for us to go check it out but I'm so glad we did.
The Habitot is an area on the 4th floor for kiddos 6-48 months old and Hadley thought it was quite heavenly. There were mini "habitats" representing Minnesotan landscapes which was very fun for us to explore while Hadley cruised around checking things out on her level. There was an ice fishing vignette and a lake/pond area with "nests" that the kids could crawl into and baby-friendly cattails for them to crawl over. They also have a few ramps that are carpeted that Hadley scaled proudly and a slide that she went down with me!
Overall, many of the areas of the museum were more mature than Hadley was ready for but seeing how much she LOVED the Habitot I can tell that she'll be enjoying visits for a long time to come!
In other news-- Yesterday we put together Hadley's Cozy Coupe that the grandparents brought her when they dropped off her baby album on Monday. The smile on her face when she rides is priceless! :)

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