Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy hOWLoween!!

The girls would like to wish you a very happy Halloween. :)
We just got home from trick-or-treating and Hadley had an absolute blast! She said trick-or-treat and happy Halloween at every house. It was perfect!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Baby allergies and my September update

I never knew much about breastfeeding allergic reactions in babies until McCallen showed what our pediatrician called classic signs of allergies. Yes, baby girl is allergic to many of the {normal} things that I was eating. For the last few weeks, I haven't eaten any trace of dairy, soy, gluten or nuts. If you have wondered what's going on with me, I've been working hard to stay fed and in turn feed te baby on a totally modified diet. I am trying to come up with some fun recipes to share in case other moms with MPSI (milk protein, soy intolerant) babies need ideas.
The girls are otherwise doing great. Hadley loves school and her teacher, Lisa. She has begun drinking out of regular cups instead of sippy cups and she isn't sitting in the high chair very often anymore. All of her fall clothes are 4T(!) so basically she is an adorable and very tall little girl. :)
McCallen has started to giggle which is so sweet. Her neck is strong, so she has much better head control compared to a few weeks ago. She is fitting into 3-6 month clothes and her hair color and eye color are both changing from what they were when she was born. It will be interesting to see how much she and Hadley end up looking like each other.
I know most of you come for photo updates so here you go!

We are enjoying this last, very warm September day and hope that the beginning of fall is going well for everyone in the blogosphere. Until next time, stay classy! ;)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The girls this week

We are very busy every day taking care of these beauties and it's so worth it! McCallen had her 2 month appointment this week and she is 13lbs, 7oz which is the 96th percentile for weight!! She is just a chunk though since she was only 22.5in which is 55th percentile for height. This compares to Hadley who was long and skinnier at 2 months, 11lbs, 13oz (76%) and 23.5in (88%). Miss Hadley has been doing great at preschool and the teachers said yesterday that she is a great example of being calm and collected when the parents leave since many of the other children cry the entire class time since their parents aren't there. What a big girl!!
Here are a few pictures from the last week that are just too cute. :) Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hadley's First Day of Preschool

Today was Hadley's first day of "Preschool for Two's" and she had so much fun! :) She is going to a program for 2 year olds and they have class twice a week for two hours a day from September through June. She loved all of the teachers and really had fun with all of the activities other than song time since she got really shy when it was time to sing hello to each other.
Everything went so well overall and she ate all of the lunch I had packed her which is supposedly one of the things that can take kids some time to work up to since they need to get comfortable with the new routine and environment, etc. We are so proud of our big girl and can't wait to watch her blossom throughout the school year!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

McCallen's Baptism 8.11.13

Last Sunday, at the Basilica of St. Mary, we had McCallen baptized. She has officially completed her first rite in the Roman Catholic Church. She slept through the whole experience and looked like a blessed tiny angel during the ceremony!
McCallen got a beautiful gold ring to wear from her godmother Paula and a sweet baptism bib that she wore from my Gram (the girls' GramGram). Thanks to everyone for all of the wonderful gifts that were given to both of our girls to mark the occasion!